Forster Energy at STA Commercial Rooftop Event: Delivering Growth

A new DECC report, which classifies solar PV as ‘a strong economic booster’, highlights the momentous growth in the sector in the last five years. The current UK total installed capacity sits at 5GW, rising from a meagre 33MW in 2010. Although the majority of installations to date have been in the domestic retro-fit and large-scale free standing markets, the commercial roof-top market is set to be the new growth area for the sector. Awareness of the benefits of self generated electricity, from a commercial perspective is rising. At the same time key barriers including planning constraints, transferability and landlord-tenant issues are being resolved.

Forster Group Chairman and newly appointed Chair of STA Scotland, John Forster will be speaking in London this Wednesday (1st April) as part of The Solar Trade Association’s Commercial Rooftop Event: Delivering Growth. The event will explore how installers have overcome the barriers and created opportunities for growth in the new build, roof integrated and retro-fit commercial markets. John will be speaking on the role of integrated solar and touch on how new energy standards in Scotland will lead to increased deployment, particularly in the house build and social housing sectors.

John is part of a host of experienced industry speakers, who will present delegates with tools to deliver growth across the commercial rooftop market.
To find out more about the event click here.

UPDATE: 6 April 2015

John’s presentation about roof integrated solar in Scotland can be viewed below.

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