
Forster Group Commercial ServicesReduce your businesses operating costs and gain a secure long term return by using your roof space to supply cheaper, cleaner solar electricity for your business.

If you own or manage a manufacturing or processing business which has large power outputs, you can align your own peak supply of solar electricity with high demand during the most costly bought in electricity tariff period. Equally if you are operating in an office or retail context you can align peak solar supply with high usage during daylight hours.

Commercial Landlords

If you are a commercial landlord you can turn your property roof space into an asset, by generating and selling electricity to tenants.  Forster Energy lead the way in solar best practice, delivering a comprehensive in-house service, from planning, product specification and design, to installation and after care.

We will work hard to add value by considering your current and future energy needs before tailoring the most cost effective solar and storage plan to deliver the strongest financial benefit.   With rising energy costs, the continuing fall in the cost of solar and storage options – there is no better time than the present to invest in solar for your business or commercial property portfolio.

Here is a selection of our work in the commercial sector

Clayton Caravan Park

Clayton Caravan Park is a luxury holiday park and leisure business in the East Neuk of Fife, located in a scenic tranquil setting near St Andrews. The holiday park has 700 caravans for guests and […]

Forster Group case study

BMI, Kings Park Hospital, Stirling

This sensitive hospital roof renewal project provided Forster Roofing with the perfect platform to demonstrate its workmanship, communication and project management skills. The Stirling-based single storey Kings Park Hospital is part of the BMI Healthcare […]

Fife Renewables

Fife Renewables Innovation Centre, Methill

In the spring of 2016 Forster completed a 159kWp solar PV installation for the Levenmouth Community Energy Project. 180 panels were fitted on the roof of the Fife Renewables Innovation Centre in Methill. A further 440 […]

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